Deepening our understanding of the structural enzymology of natural product biosynthesis

Molecular Basis for Polyketide Ketoreductase–Substrate Interactions.
Zhao S, Ni F, Qiu T, Wolff JT, Tsai SC, Luo R.
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21, 7562.
Structural basis for chain release from the enacyloxin polyketide synthase.
Kosol S, Gallo A, Griffiths D, Valentic TR, Masschelein J, Jenner M, de Los Santos ELC, Manzi L, Sydor PK, Rea D, Zhou S, Fülöp V, Oldham NJ, Tsai SC, Challis GL, Lewandowski JR.
Nat Chem. 2019 Oct;11(10):913-923.
Molecular basis for interactions between an acyl carrier protein and a ketosynthase.
Milligan JC, Lee DJ, Jackson DR, Schaub AJ, Beld J, Barajas JF, Hale JJ, Luo R, Burkart MD, Tsai SC.
Nat Chem Biol. 2019 Jul;15(7):669-671.
Computational structural enzymology methodologies for the study and engineering of fatty acid synthases, polyketide synthases and nonribosomal peptide synthetases.
Schaub AJ, Moreno GO, Zhao S, Truong HV, Luo R, Tsai SC.
Methods Enzymol. 2019;622:375-409.
The Structural Enzymology of Iterative Aromatic Polyketide Synthases: A Critical Comparison with Fatty Acid Synthases.
Tsai SC
Annu Rev Biochem. 2018 Jun 20;87:503-531.
An Oxetane-Based Polyketide Surrogate To Probe Substrate Binding in a Polyketide Synthase.
Ellis BD, Milligan JC, White AR, Duong V, Altman PX, Mohammed LY, Crump MP, Crosby J, Luo R, Vanderwal CD, Tsai SC.
J Am Chem Soc. 2018 Apr 18;140(15):4961-4964.
Structural and Functional Studies of the Daunorubicin Priming Ketosynthase DpsC.
Jackson DR, Shakya G, Patel AB, Mohammed LY, Vasilakis K, Wattana-Amorn P, Valentic TR, Milligan JC, Crump MP, Crosby J, Tsai SC.
ACS Chem Biol. 2018 Jan 19;13(1):141-151
A Direct Synthesis of Highly Substituted π-Rich Aromatic Heterocycles from Oxetanes.
White AR, Kozlowski RA, Tsai SC, Vanderwal CD.
Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2017 Aug 21;56(35):10525-10529
Polyketide mimetics yield structural and mechanistic insights into product template domain function in nonreducing polyketide synthases
Barajas JF, Shakya G, Moreno G, Rivera H Jr, Jackson DR, Topper CL, Vagstad AL, La Clair JJ, Townsend CA, Burkart MD, Tsai SC
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2017 May 23;114(21):E4142-E4148
A crotonyl-CoA reductase-carboxylase independent pathway for assembly of unusual alkylmalonyl-CoA polyketide synthase extender units
Ray L, Valentic TR, Miyazawa T, Withall DM, Song L, Milligan JC, Osada H, Takahashi S, Tsai SC, Challis GL
Nat Commun. 2016 Dec 21;7:13609
Comprehensive Analysis of a Novel Ketoreductase for Pentangular Polyphenol Biosynthesis
Valentic TR, Jackson DR, Brady SF, Tsai SC
ACS Chem Biol. 2016 Dec 16;11(12):3421-3430
Structural and Biochemical Analysis of Protein-Protein Interactions Between the Acyl-Carrier Protein and Product Template Domain
Barajas JF, Finzel K, Valentic TR, Shakya G, Gamarra N, Martinez D, Meier JL, Vagstad AL, Newman AG, Townsend CA, Burkart MD, Tsai SC
Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. 2016 Oct 10;55(42):13005-13009
An unusual intramolecular trans-amidation
Rivera H Jr, Dhar S, La Clair JJ, Tsai SC, Burkart MD
Tetrahedron. 2016 Jun 23;72(25):3605-3608
The Alga Ochromonas danica Produces Bromosulfolipids
White AR, Duggan BM, Tsai SC, Vanderwal CD
Org Lett. 2016 Mar 4;18(5):1124-7
Insights Into Complex Oxidation During BE-7585A Biosynthesis: Structural Determination and Analysis of the Polyketide Monooxygenase BexE
Jackson DR, Yu X, Wang G, Patel AB, Barajas JF, Sasaki E, Metsa-Ketala M, Liu HW, Rohr J, Tsai SC
ACS Chem Biol. 2016 Apr 15;11(4):1137-47
Structural Insights Into Anthranilate Priming During Type II Polyketide Biosynthesis
Jackson D, Tu SS, Nguyen M, Barajas J, Schaub A, Krug D, Pistorius D, Luo R, Müller R, Tsai SC
ACS Chem Biol. 2016 Jan 15;11(1):95-103
Structural and functional analysis of two di-domain aromatase/cyclases from type II polyketide synthases
Caldara-Festin G, Jackson DR, Barajas JF, Valentic TR, Patel AB, Aguilar S, Nguyen M, Vo M, Khanna A, Sasaki E, Liu H, Tsai SC
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015 Dec 15;112(50):E6844-51
Probing the Substrate Specificity and Protein-Protein Interactions of the E. coli Fatty Acid Dehydratase, FabA
Finzel K, Nguyen C, Jackson DR, Gupta A, Tsai SC, Burkart MD
Chem Biol. 2015 Nov 19;22(11):1453-60
Comprehensive Structural and Biochemical Analysis of the Terminal Myxalamid Reductase Domain for the Engineered Production of Primary Alcohols
Barajas JF, Phelan RM, Schaub AJ, Kliewer JT, Kelly PJ, Jackson DR, Luo R, Keasling JD, Tsai SC
Chem Biol. 2015 Aug 20;22(8):1018-29
Modeling linear and cyclic PKS intermediates through Atom Replacement
Shakya G, Rivera H Jr, Lee DJ, Jaremko MJ, La Clair JJ, Fox DT, Haushalter RW, Schaub AJ, Bruegger J, Barajas JF, White AR, Kaur P, Gwozdziowski ER, Wong F, Tsai SC, Burkart MD
J Am Chem Soc. 2014 Dec 3;136(48):16792-9
Editorial: fungal natural products themed issue
Challis GL, Tsai SC
Nat Prod Rep. 2014 Oct;31(10):1241
Polyketide Synthase: Sequence, Structure, and Function
Bruegger J, Caldara G, Beld J, Burkart MD, Tsai SC
Natural Products: Discourse, Diversity, and Design, 219. 2014
Trapping the dynamic acyl carrier protein in fatty acid biosynthesis
Nguyen C, Haushalter RW, Lee DJ, Markwick PR, Bruegger J, Caldara-Festin G, Finzel K, Jackson DR, Ishikawa F, O'Dowd B, McCammon JA, Opella SJ, Tsai SC, Burkart MD
Nature. 2014 Jan 16;505(7483):427-31
The determinants of activity and specificity in actinorhodin type II polyketide ketoreductase
Javidpour P, Bruegger J, Srithahan S, Korman TP, Crump MP, Crosby J, Burkart MD, Tsai SC
Chem Biol. 2013 Oct 24;20(10):1225-34
Probing the selectivity and protein·protein interactions of a nonreducing fungal polyketide synthase using mechanism-based crosslinkers
Bruegger J, Haushalter RW, Vagstad AL, Shakya G, Mih N, Townsend CA, Burkart MD, Tsai SC
Chem Biol. 2013 Sep 19;20(9):1135-46
Editorial: structural aspects of biosynthesis themed issue
Tsai SC, Moore B, O'Connor S
Nat Prod Rep. 2012 Oct;29(10):1032
Babysitting flavin for biosynthesis
Tsai SC
Chem Biol. 2012 Jul 27;19(7):787-8
Crystal structure and biochemical studies of the trans-acting polyketide enoyl reductase LovC from lovastatin biosynthesis
Ames BD, Nguyen C, Bruegger J, Smith P, Xu W, Ma S, Wong E, Wong S, Xie X, Li JW, Vederas JC, Tang Y, Tsai SC
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012 Jul 10;109(28):11144-9
Insight into the molecular basis of aromatic polyketide cyclization: crystal structure and in vitro characterization of WhiE-ORFVI
Lee MY, Ames BD, Tsai SC
Biochemistry. 2012 Apr 10;51(14):3079-91
Structural and biochemical characterization of ZhuI aromatase/cyclase from the R1128 polyketide pathway
Ames BD, Lee MY, Moody C, Zhang W, Tang Y, Tsai SC
Biochemistry. 2011 Oct 4;50(39):8392-406
Structural and biochemical studies of the hedamycin type II polyketide ketoreductase (HedKR): molecular basis of stereo- and regiospecificities
Javidpour P, Das A, Khosla C, Tsai SC
Biochemistry. 2011 Aug 30;50(34):7426-39
Structural and biochemical analyses of regio- and stereospecificities observed in a type II polyketide ketoreductase
Javidpour P, Korman TP, Shakya G, Tsai SC
Biochemistry. 2011 May 31;50(21):4638-49
Fatty acid biosynthesis in actinomycetes
Gago G, Diacovich L, Arabolaza A, Tsai SC, Gramajo H
FEMS Microbiol Rev. 2011 May;35(3):475-97
Crystal structures and mutational analyses of acyl-CoA carboxylase beta subunit of Streptomyces coelicolor
Arabolaza A, Shillito ME, Lin TW, Diacovich L, Melgar M, Pham H, Amick D, Gramajo H, Tsai SC
Biochemistry. 2010 Aug 31;49(34):7367-76
X-ray crystallographic structure of an artificial beta-sheet dimer
Khakshoor O, Lin AJ, Korman TP, Sawaya MR, Tsai SC, Eisenberg D, Nowick JS
J Am Chem Soc. 2010 Aug 25;132(33):11622-8
Structure and function of an iterative polyketide synthase thioesterase domain catalyzing Claisen cyclization in aflatoxin biosynthesis
Korman TP, Crawford JM, Labonte JW, Newman AG, Wong J, Townsend CA, Tsai SC
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2010 Apr 6;107(14):6246-51
Structural basis for biosynthetic programming of fungal aromatic polyketide cyclization
Crawford JM, Korman TP, Labonte JW, Vagstad AL, Hill EA, Kamari-Bidkorpeh O, Tsai SC, Townsend CA
Nature. 2009 Oct 22;461(7267):1139-43
ACCase 6 is the essential acetyl-CoA carboxylase involved in fatty acid and mycolic acid biosynthesis in mycobacteria
Kurth DG, Gago GM, de la Iglesia A, Bazet Lyonnet B, Lin TW, Morbidoni HR, Tsai SC, Gramajo H
Microbiology. 2009 Aug;155(Pt 8):2664-75
Structural enzymology of polyketide synthases
Tsai SC, Ames BD
Methods Enzymol. 2009;459:17-47
Structural enzymology of type II polyketide synthase: the structure-sequence-function correlation"
Korman TP, Ames BD, Tsai SC
"Comprehensive Natural Products", 2009, Elsevier Press
2.6 Å X-ray crystal structure of human p53R2, a p53 inducible ribonucleotide reductase
Smith P, Zhou, BZ, Ho N, Yuan YC, Su L, Tsai SC, Yen Y
Biochemistry, 2009, 48, 11134
Crystal structure and functional analysis of tetracenomycin ARO/CYC: implications for cyclization specificity of aromatic polyketides
Ames BD, Korman TP, Zhang W, Smith P, Vu T, Tang Y, Tsai SC
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2008 Apr 8;105(14):5349-54
Inhibition kinetics and emodin cocrystal structure of a type II polyketide ketoreductase
Korman TP, Tan YH, Wong J, Luo R, Tsai SC
Biochemistry. 2008 Feb 19;47(7):1837-47
The type I fatty acid and polyketide synthases: a tale of two megasynthases
Smith S, Tsai SC
Nat Prod Rep. 2007 Oct;24(5):1041-72
Engineered biosynthesis of a novel amidated polyketide, using the malonamyl-specific initiation module from the oxytetracycline polyketide synthase
Zhang W, Ames BD, Tsai SC, Tang Y
Appl Environ Microbiol. 2006 Apr;72(4):2573-80
Biosynthesis of a 3,6-dideoxyhexose: crystallization and X-ray diffraction of CDP-6-deoxy-L-threo-D-glycero-4-hexulose-3-dehydrase (E1) for ascarylose biosynthesis
Smith P, Lin A, Szu PH, Liu HW, Tsai SC
Acta Crystallogr Sect F Struct Biol Cryst Commun. 2006 Mar 1;62(Pt 3):231-4
Influence relevance voting: an accurate and interpretable virtual high throughput screening method
Swamidass SJ, Azencott CA, Lin TW, Gramajo H, Tsai SC, Baldi PJ
Chem Inf Model. 2009, 49, 756
Structure-based inhibitor design of AccD5, an essential acyl-CoA carboxylase carboxyltransferase domain of Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Lin TW, Melgar MM, Kurth D, Swamidass SJ, Purdon J, Tseng T, Gago G, Baldi P, Gramajo H, Tsai SC
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2006 Feb 28;103(9):3072-7
Structure and Mutagenic Retroevolution of E1 Dehydrase: at the Crossroads of Dehydration, Aminotransfer and Racemization
Smith P, Szu P, Bui C, Liu HW, Tsai SC
Biochemistry, 2008, 47, 6329
Biochemical and structural characterization of an essential acyl coenzyme A carboxylase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Gago G, Kurth D, Diacovich L, Tsai SC, Gramajo H
J Bacteriol. 2006 Jan;188(2):477-86
Structural enzymology of aromatic polyketide synthase
Korman TP, Ames BD, Tsai, SC
ACS Volume Based on Polyketides: Biosynthesis, Biological Activity and Genetic Engineering. eds S. R. Baerson; American Chemical Society, 2006
Structural analysis of actinorhodin polyketide ketoreductase: cofactor binding and substrate specificity
Korman TP, Hill JA, Vu TN, Tsai SC
Biochemistry. 2004 Nov 23;43(46):14529-38
Crystal structure of the beta-subunit of acyl-CoA carboxylase: structure-based engineering of substrate specificity
Diacovich L, Mitchell DL, Pham H, Gago G, Melgar MM, Khosla C, Gramajo H, Tsai SC
Biochemistry. 2004 Nov 9;43(44):14027-36
A fine balancing act of type III polyketide synthase
Tsai SC
Chem Biol. 2004 Sep;11(9):1177-8